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The Mind Power

Nedostatak motivacije? Baš danas se osjećam kako se ne bi nitko trebao osjećati, preskočiti ću trening... i tako ne samo u svijetu fitnessa i bodybuildinga.No svatko od nas ima snove, ciljeve , a već smo odavno shvatili da se oni neće ostvariti sami od sebe. I zato ovaj kratki post, da podjelim s Vama samo nekoliko od hrpe misli koje , barem mene osobno, natjeraju da se pokrenem.



"one major thing that stands in between you and the fulfillment of your dream is the willingness to start, the courage to move ahead and the faith to finish."


"the pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow"


"good luck is the result of hard work and preparation"


"limitations are for people that have them and excuses are for people that need them"


"tears will get U sympathy , pain wil get U results"





Objavljeno 07.12.2011.

Brza ocjena - kakav vam je sadržaj?
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